Hero background





The initiative of seed is aimed to build the capacities in women specific issues pertinent to women development and livelihood and in that direction comprehensive and integrated development of women received impetus when the Ministry of Women & Children, Government of Andhra Pradesh accorded SEED to train Anganwadi Workers during 2005 thereby SEED has set up a training centre, with necessary arrangements for the trainings in ambiance environment. Modules were developed and professionally qualified staff would train trainers with aim to train all Anganwadi workers and Anganwadi helpers from different Anganwadi centers of the district. Till date 1000 such women are trained spanning in several instances. This center has been the value addition initiative to bring credence in the ICDS front and unabated efforts are in progression for manning and bring in additional structures to the women empowerment in the province of health, education, adolescent growth and socio- economic aspects related to growth.


The RBC manning in a well ambience with all the facilities providing teaching and learning material and the teaching staff are well arranged with professional trainings with a teacher – pupil ratio of 1:20. Basic objectives are to run the RBC for the out-of-school children identified through the Household Survey/list furnished by SSA for the duration sanctioned by RVM (SSA) and as per RBC guidelines/norms, to mainstream such “Out of School Children” into Formal Schools through Bridge Courses after completion of the duration and to ensure their regular participation and completion of elementary levels of education with satisfactory levels of learning. The institution has the built in review and monitoring mechanism and a close scrutiny on the mainstreaming process with linkages at all levels of education department as well as the PRI. The 09-14 years “Out of School Children” are to be enrolled whose main focus is on enrolling Child Labor and Other down Trodden children Care is taken that the learners are promoted to higher grades in time and most of them are mainstreamed. The RBC School of SEED is located in Nakkapalli Mandal of Visakhapatnam District has the strength of 60 who are all mobilized with a drive focused on locations that are predominantly through door-to-door base line survey and situation analysis that is meant to get a hold on the constituents of children that are educated up to the standard 5th primarily to offer an opportunity in distancing the lives of children from poverty and tradition of illiteracy, unemployment and ill health which are to add vigor through mid-day meals scheme of Govt. of India that has the bearing on the nutrition and the sub-catchments of all the antecedents of the nutrition and connected god education. Community involvement will be central to the implementation of any of the alternative Education strategies. The involvement SEED-Modified Profile 5 th Jan 8 of the community through community mobilization is essential for ensuring continuous support and care of the children during and subsequent to their mainstreaming into regular schools.


The women in India and in particular in AP are languishing in utter difficulties and for want of fulfilling the financial requirements arising as a result of the squalor and liquor and spend thrift nature are being met in most untoward manner causing the extreme high risk activities and thereby primary focus has been the medical and sexual health awareness, condom promotion, positive prevention, financial empowerment and planning perspective gender balances in the way of problem solving. Consistent campaigns on the AIDS prevention agenda, precautions for HIV/AIDS, nutrition, social structures, and life skills for protection against abuse or sexual harassments, skill developments, vocational trainings for the rights of the women are the right measures. In this direction the APSACS has carved a project in Visakhapatnam district towards AIDS prevention and the SEED has been taken as partner as a measure of women centered rights movement encompassing within its fold a target of 1000 polp0ulation in 25 sites and 75 hotspots.
This targeted intervention consists of 5 components. Behavior Change Communication, Quality STD Care, Condom Promotion, Enabling Environment and Community Mobilization. The target areas of SEED Visakhapatnam are in and around 25 km of PSH project office. This target area Visakhapatnam is one of the biggest towns in Visakhapatnam District. It is totally industrial area. People came from different villages for employment. Poverty, illiteracy, Ignorance, broken family, death of husband, devoured by lover and ignorance are the responsible factors, for women entering into commercial sex work. In most of the cases, female member is the only earning person in the family. Sex workers traditionally belong to downtrodden communities and weaker sections of the Society. The target group of HRGs project of SEED consists of 3 categories Street Based, Brothel Based, and Home Based. Majority of HRGs in the group of street based that is 50% home based 28% and brothel based 23 % sex workers. The intervention goal is to halt and reverse the epidemic in select Visakhapatnam among 1000 Sex workers by 2012. In order to achieve the goal the following objectives laid out i.e. to enhance the knowledge of the sex workers on HIV and sexual health , to improve treatment seeking behavior among sex workers , to enhance condom usage among the sex workers and to create enabling environment among the sex workers in the project area.


The goal of the partnership as per the NACP III like reduce incidence of STD/HIV/AIDS among sex workers and clients in Visakhapatnam and around “to halt and reverse the epidemic in India over the next two years” with the objectives of increase knowledge levels on STI/HIV/AIDS among sex workers, explain the importance of RMC and to increase health seeking behavior among FSWs, conducting advocacy with different stake holders for smooth functioning of project activities, strengthen the CBO to solve their problems and issues and accordingly to SEED-Modified Profile 5 th Jan 9 sensitize all the elected representatives and bodies along with the Govt. officials on the going on activity and the mainstreaming it has to be planned at their levels.
Under this partnership arrangement the SEED has organized the workshop for the elected representatives and other organs of administrative mechanism involving all the elected stakeholders and other beneficiary segments to elicit the missionary support to the AIDS prevention activities and similarly to facilitate the greater involvement of the other sections for this onerous task.


The Urban Health Centers at Resapuvanipalem, Narava and Changalraopeta in conjunction with Greater Visakhapatnam Municipal Corporation (GVMC) is a venture aimed at bringing about improved health status of the citizens of GVMC manned by well orchestrated professional team and doctors and the operational approach has the inbuilt capacity building and networking of varied stakeholders in the health of community. Community managed health drive deals with the vulnerable sections of the community and the utilization of the inter-personal communications and information-education-communication techniques that are the e4ssentials of the urban bubbly health aspects and in this direction the IPP phase 7 project funded by DFID has steroid the UHC project been the strength for model relocation on health standing of the slum inhabitants. In the GVMC area spanning for a total of 250 slums and 10, 00, 000 populations in its operational approach which resolves at public health domain to the mother & child in particular to reduce the IMR and MMR. The health seeking behavior has been extended for enhanced results during the health camps and regulated weeks with a systematic and ordained through meetings, seminars, grama sabhas and community involvement programs. The scheme formulates the provision for Mahila Arogya Sanghams (MAS), which is a representation body of women of different slum areas, makes the health a subject for community ownership. The pyramid structure of mass organization through MAS is a community ownership to infuse dynamic health ownership in the community. Rapid assessment survey techniques are periodically employed to assess and evaluate the impact of the UHC in GVMC. So far the MAS have the focus on the reproductive and health a prior area of imposition with a view on the area specific attendance and priority areas. In the thrust to aphorize the scrutiny of the situation the SEED organizes the mass events, medical camps, rapid heath drives and rallies that are estimated to have made an impact on the community system.


Recognizing Substance Abuse and Alcoholism as a psychosocial medical problem, the approach would be to provide whole range of services including awareness generation, identification, treatment and rehabilitation of addicts. The growing nature of the magnitude of the city has been giving rise to several of the voluminous problems ranging from civic problems to family life problems and stirring up the whole gamut of the social fabric and family centered disputes and disharmony are being visualized. With a view to reducing the demand for the consumption of alcohol and dependence producing substances, the thrust is kept on preventive education programs and on reintegration of the addicts into the mainstream of the society. The stress is on mobilization of community resources and greater community participation and the basic objectives are to create awareness and educating the SEED-Modified Profile 5 th Jan 10 people about the ill-effects of alcoholism and substance abuse on the individual, the family and the society at large, to evolve culture-specific models for the prevention of alcoholism and substance and the treatment and rehabilitation of addicts, to provide for the whole range of community based services for the identification motivation, counseling, de-addiction, after care and rehabilitation of addicts, to promote collective initiatives and self-help endeavors among individuals and groups vulnerable to addiction or found at risk, to establish appropriate linkage between State interventions and voluntary efforts in the field of alcoholism and substance abuse prevention, to increase community participation and public cooperation in the reduction of demand for dependence-producing substances. The services are Awareness Building, Motivational Counseling, Screening of Abusers/Addicts, Referral Services, and Follow-up Services while the methods are Preventive Education and Awareness Generation, Identification of addicts, Motivational Counseling, Detoxification/ De-addiction, Vocational Rehabilitation and finally after care & Reintegration into the social mainstream


To counter the problem vulnerability of impairment of growth, child rights neglect, malnourishment, right to survival, right to participation, right to protection and right to development the Crèche program is adopted which is sponsored by Central Social Welfare Board in slums and lab our colonies. These centers would cater to the children of the working parents and concentrate on the well being, nutrition, play way methods of teaching, leisurely lessons on hygiene and nutrition Etc. The SEED has been one such agency working in the urban slums of the city operating 4 such centers with children intake of around 120 children started in the year 2008 which is being manned through specialized child development and nutrition specialists and plays a level player role to try to find to formulate means for accentuated progression for child development which is the priority center stage.


Another milestone in the array of initiatives has been the Swadhar shelter home which has been an exclusive Drive for Protection of Women in Distress. The emotional and physical support for women in difficult circumstance like widows, destitute and deserted women, women ex-prisoners, victims of sexual abuse and crimes, including those trafficked and rescued from brothels, migrant or refugee women who have been rendered homeless due to natural calamities like flood, cyclone, earthquake, mentally challenged women, women victims of terrorist violence etc has been the very essence of this scheme SWADHAR. The SWADHAR Scheme purports to address the specific vulnerability of each of group of women in difficult circumstances through a Home-based holistic and integrated approach. This scheme has been designed with a more flexible and innovative approach to cater to the requirement of various types of women in distress in diverse situations under different conditions. The objectives are To provide emotional support and counseling to such women, To rehabilitate them socially and economically through education, awareness, skill up gradation and personality development through behavioral training etc, To arrange for specific clinical, legal and other support for women/girls in need of those intervention by linking and networking with other organizations in both Govt. & Non- Govt. sector on case to case basis; To provide for help line or other facilities to such women in distress; and To provide such other SEED-Modified Profile 5 th Jan 11 services as will be required for the support and rehabilitation to such women in distress, Widows deserted by their families and relatives and left uncared near religious places where they are victims of exploitation and Women prisoners released from jail and without family support.
The Swadhar Scheme purports to address the specific vulnerability of each of group of women in difficult circumstances through a Home-based holistic and integrated approach. This scheme has been designed with a more flexible and innovative approach to cater to the requirement of various types of women in distress in diverse situations under different conditions. SEED has been short listed considering the long track record of established a training facility in for the services of Anganwadi workers and helpers in sprawling campus adjoining the hill ambience and generally for the governance services of women, children and youth for the last 15 years in the north costal Districts of Visakhapatnam, Vizianagaram and Srikakulam. The rescue mechanism for destitute women rescued from trafficking and in vulnerable conditions has acclaimed credentials and accolades, The SWADHAR scheme shall be manned as per the schematic norms of Women’s Economic Program (NORAD) with the objectives of providing primary need of shelter, food, clothing and care to the marginalized women/girls living in difficult circumstances who are without any social and economic support.


SEED has adopted two villages as part of its drive for integrated rural development. Extensive land surveys, soil testing are organized. Water channeling, water harvesting and water structure are promoted. Land development, water supply and providing the irrigation water to the deprived villages has been the mission that is in pipeline and alongside the food crop development, fertilization are promoted as part of its community ownership through voluntary initiative of the community. Various sectors of agriculture like, seed distribution, grain banks, and seed banks are organized. The Horticulture, animal husbandry, floriculture, herby culture etc are given a renewed look. The vagaries of monsoons and rain fed agriculture have been the basic premise on which the entire gamut of the rural scenario revolves around. The small land holdings and difficult monsoon cycle add to the miseries of them. Added to this has been the unpredicted floods and cyclones leaving aside all the possibilities of the crop yield to the hands. In remote areas rock felling and tree felling has been another dimension added to the scourge. The livelihoods and alternative livelihoods scenario has been put to grim situation for the area development. It is towards this mission that the SEED has promoted the alternative livelihood means for sustenance and subsistence like the horticulture, kitchen gardens, vegetable cultivation, floriculture, animal husbandry and plantations which would bear the benefit of enhanced incomes and added potential to the farmer community. Linkages are established with KVK’s and line departments for accessing the possible collaborations and support systems. The youth brigades are formed to run the rescue operations in times of emergencies and the basic inputs on weather forecasting and monitoring has been given to the resource volunteers drawn from villages and in this process the SEED could muster in the progression towards the development and grout of the rural area situations.


Since the SEED has been the domain major of the association with the urban and rural association it has posed a sort of conglomerate with greater Visakhapatnam municipal corporation and in association with it the SEED has accomplished several public health activities in partnership with VACS (Visakhapatnam AIDS control society) to facilitating the process of recruiting the Medical Doctors, mainstreaming of the Govt. machinery for the AIDS prevention, sanitation and hygiene initiatives and self-help activities for providing health care services, respite to old age, provision of amenities and plethora of other ventures in the urban areas of Visakhapatnam in 7 Urban Health Centers as well as in the rural and suburban pockets of the precincts.


Other prominent voluntary activities include Literacy promotion, General health programs – health camps in tribal and rural, urban slums - hygiene, sanitation, preventive health care, vitamins, safe drinking water, Youth development and legal activism, Awareness creation on ill effects of girl trafficking, Child rights education and promotion with a Future Initiatives posed for, Geriatric care, Home for beggars, Lobbing for basic amenities for residents in slums, services for the neglect of the old and feeble gentlemen’s for Old age Home


A well equipped Training Center and a well furnished office building with sufficient furniture and communication systems.

  • Full time program coordinator to monitoring and coordinating all the activities of the organization.
  • Administrative officer to look after the Administration of the Organization
  • Central accounts department and project wi9se accounts administration units
  • 3 Full time teaching instructors and 4 administrate staff for the AWTC project
  • 6 Full time field level staff, Counselor, Project Manager, Administrative Officer and Project Director for caring out Partnerships for sexual health project for PSH intervention.
  • 7 members’ Full time Hospital staff for the Andhra Pradesh Urban Slum Health care project in name of Swarna Bharathi Hospital.
  • 7 members” Full time Hospital staff for the Andhra Pradesh Urban Slum Health care project in name of Changalraopeta UHC Hospital.
  • 7 members” Full time Hospital staff for the Andhra Pradesh Urban Slum Health care project in name of Narava UHC Hospital.
  • 1 Full time Field Staff to carry out the activities of disabilities related issues.
  • 3 Teachers for the Residential Bridge School under Rajeev Vidya Mission
  • 7 contractual medical doctors for providing health care services through urban health centers under GVMC.
  • 17 Peer Educators drawn from community to take up the activities for the PSH project of APSACS along with other volunteers


The Monitoring in SEED has acquired significance in view of the diversified projects spread around different components and it is given prime importance to achieve the planned as well as projects in the pipeline along with proposed voluntary activities. The monitoring will be at two levels at Community and team level. The community level monitoring is done for ascertaining the community ownership and the affixed volunteers would take up the initiatives in association with the Project Manager through different registers, records and field visits and community level works were monitored through filed visits, rapport of the staff to community and field dairy maintenance for cross checks of the field reality . The method of monitoring will be participatory method through, reviews, weekly and monthly. Different tools will be used to collect the information. The reporting and documentation and availability of materials, interaction with community will be taken as a basis for the evaluation, which can be done for every year by a team of evaluation as well as with external persons. The project would involve community beneficiaries and make efforts for consistent application of the realistic inputs to arrive at the desired benefits through all the interventions of the organization.


It is highlighted of SEED working on several issues ranging from children to old age and with components like HIV-AIDS, Health, Education, Literacy Development and Host of Developmental issues. In Andhra Pradesh services of civil society service organization in the special context of rural development, community health, Aids Prevention, Orphanage are a felt one and the SEED is one such organizations involved In the development work primarily with underprivileged sections lengthened the reach to the slums, Labor colonies and migratory areas of Visakhapatnam as well as to the entire district. The networking, collaboration and partnership with government agencies as also the non-government foundations have been widening the scope and context of the working of SEED. Similarly the professional association with individuals and organizations has been a step ahead in the development work. The charities and philanthropies of some foundations and government agencies have been certainly a good beginning for helping to the communities still to touch upon on the complete components shall require more helping hand of foundations as well as the paternalistic view of governments as well as people with power the and sympathies.